Talk about African cultural identity and heritage, and you will find short dresses embedded in it. African dresses distinctive patterns and elegant colors are often hand made with exquisite fashion wisdom.

They carry significant meaning known to the designer and often communicate class and style in the African fashion. This is the major reason why it has found its way into every fashion sector of Africans.
If you do not have a single or several African dresses in your closet, then you are missing out on something huge in the fashion industry.
READ ALSO: 30 Beautiful African Dresses in Vogue for Divas
To meet up with the trend of wearing African styles, we have compiled some trendy and beautiful styles that can make you the next talk of the event.

With each day that passes, people learn to express themselves more confidently and boldly. Not all people like going all figure-hugging and fancy. Some ladies prefer a decent dress that is neither too lose nor too tight, one with limited details. If you are on such person, here are the ultimate African trends and styles for you. This gown dress is designed to be knee-high with a very simple style.
Get that beautifully tailor-made look by going through our collections of latest fashion styles ideas and identifying what connects most with your personality.

African short dresses are enough to make you feel good and important in whichever way your wear it. Take a look at these dresses below.. You will love them!